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Ofsted chair resigns after calling Isle of Wight a “ghetto”

David Hoare has resigned from his position as Ofsted chairman having described the Isle of Wight as a “ghetto” where there has been inbreeding.
David made the remarks in an interview with the Times Educational supplement, where he said of the island: “Most people go there for sailing for two weeks a year…but within inches there are people who live in a ghetto…They think of it as holiday land. But it is shocking. It is a ghetto. There has been inbreeding.”
At a teaching conference three weeks prior to the interview, David had also commented on the Isle of Wight, saying that it was plagued by a “mass of crime, drug problems, huge unemployment” and underperforming schools.
Ofsted today released a statement from David saying that he would be resigning from his position with immediate effect.
David has allegedly made a phone call to Jonathan Bacon, leader of the Isle of Wight Council, to apologise and has offered to visit the island.
Neil Leitch, chief executive at the Pre-school Learning , said that David’s comments were “offensive, thoughtless and damaging” and that it was right for him to step down.
“Ofsted plays a pivotal role in supporting the provision of high quality education services in all areas of the country,” Neil said.
“We hope that whoever replaces Mr. Hoare takes this responsibility more seriously.”
Senior non-executive board member James Kempton will take on the role of chairman on an interim basis, while Education secretary Justine Greening searches for a permanent replacement.